Saturday, December 3, 2011

NorCal Rosenhans visit!

We were SO happy to see Cam and Shan and the boys this weekend! Davis and Dex have been dying to meet their cousins. Of course, with three babies and a toddler, chaos was the theme of the day but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Brothers and their boys

(I wish I could accurately depict the pandemonium when this picture was taken! Shannon and I about peed our pants. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. At one point, three out of the four kids were screaming and Pres and Cam kept asking why we were laughing. Classic!)

Aunt Shannon and Cousin Holdie with Davis

We wanted so badly to have a picture of the four kids together. This is poor Weston trying to wrangle the twins. He kept saying, "Too big! Too heavy!"

We love you, NorCal Rosenhans!

1 comment:

Bud & Kim said...

Ok I was seriously cracking up what you talked about sleep deprevation rage. Oh my gosh I was the worst! I am seriously amazing Bud still loves me after how insanely hard the first to months were with Abby and there was only ONE of her. You are my hero and I know you are doing a great job. Can't wait to see those boys in the flesh some day. Unfortunately my body is playing some cruel joke on me and I'm sick again! So my little trip to see you will have to wait. Merry Christmas to your family of 4!