Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Feeling thankful for this guy today.

What a good dad he is. If I'm, being honest, the first week the boys were home, I was afraid he was a better mom than me. He probably was. He loves his boys so much. He is the best swaddler this side of the Mississippi and he's the only one who can soothe our poor, colicky little Dex. Taking care of twins is a big job (make that mammoth,) and the first thing he does when he walks in the door after work every day is try to relieve me. He has even come home for lunch to fix me a sandwich when he knows I haven't come close to finding time to eat.

I hear of all these dads who don't think its their job to help with babies and I'm so thankful for Preston. I literally count the hours till he gets home every day. He does everything I do (minus the womanly things he's not physically capable of!) when he's not at work. It really takes a team to take care of two helpless infants and I'm so glad he's my teammate.

The boys still wake up every 2-3 hours to eat (no joke,) which means we're up at 11, 2. and 5 feeding and changing. I'd like to say I'm a little ray of sunshine at those feedings but I think I suffer from sleep-deprivation rage. Seriously. at two o'clock in the morning I am MEAN. You so much as look at me wrong and I'm coming after you! The first step is being aware, right? I'm working on it. There's a place in Heaven for Preston for putting up with me. I really feel so guilty for directing my late-night fury at him. He does not deserve to lay his head next to

I always knew Preston would be a good dad but I had no idea how good! The boys already prefer him to me. Davis just heard his voice this morning and smiled. He has good taste.

I'm just thankful for my little family, and especially my husband.

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

They are so cute! I can't wait to see them this weekend and smooch their cute faces!!