Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ward Christmas Party

Davis and Dex met Santa last night. My heart did pitter patters seeing my two little boys on Santa's lap. How surreal is that to take your kids to meet Santa? Granted, they were more interested in the lights on the tree but still. It's the beginning of a tradition! Isn't he a great Santa too?

Dad and his boys waiting in line to see Santa.
Can you see how cute their little outfits are? Such little men. The funny part is that both the shirts they are wearing were gifted to them by two different people whose boys had outgrown them. They totally match. Same brand, same size. Meant to be.


Shan and Cam said...

So cute! I love it! And why in the world do you look like you never gave birth. I hate you right now. Such a cute little fam. We miss D & D {and you too}

The Brown Family said...

Seeing that pic of you and the boys made me tear up!! You are a mom! They are so cute and I totally noticed their cute little outfits. :)