Since I've been on bed rest for almost 9 weeks, Preston has had to do all the grocery shopping and errand running. Yesterday, he made a Target run and being thoughtful, he ventured into the beauty department thinking I may need shampoo. So nice of him, right? He texted me and asked me what kind of shampoo I wanted and I replied, "Just grab Pantene, anything that says moisturizing."

Perhaps I should have been more specific. (Thank goodness he's so thorough.) He texted me this picture and asked if either of these were ok. I did a double take when I looked at the bottles on the right and saw they were called, "Relaxed and Natural." And then I died laughing when I read, "For women of color."
I replied to him that last time I checked I was not a woman of color (unless you consider pasty white a color," and he said he thought it meant for colored hair! I seriously love him. I love that he's such a guy. And I especially love that we're finally even after the Aqua Velva debacle of our first month of marriage.
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