Ya know how most girls post maternity pictures of themselves with perfectly styled hair and cute outfits, sitting in a field, with their hands placed ever so lovingly on their stomachs? I wish. Here's what you get when you've been on bed rest for 10 weeks. A Dunder Mifflin t-shirt meant for one (not three,) hair that hasn't seen a blow dryer in weeks, and a hospital room as the scenic background. Isn't pregnancy glamorous? We keep it real over here.
I'm so excited to have made it this far! My doctor checked me before letting me leave the hospital (hooray!) and I was almost 100% effaced. Twins do a number on you, baby. She said she is sure if I hadn't taken the bed rest seriously, these babes would have come weeks ago. My little Baby A is in position and ready to go. In fact, he is so low she could feel his head. Preston thinks he's ready to roll because he's missing football season. I think he's ready to roll because he's missing the X-Factor. Come to think of it, I probably better hope Preston's theory is right.
The doctor gave me two weeks tops before I start to go into labor on my own and that was a week ago today. I don't know. I think these boys are all talk. They've still got a while to cook. I have been having contractions but usually only at night. How weird. But not much else! Although, I must say, if there is a strange symptom of pregnancy, it has probably happened to me in the last week. This is what happens when you brag too much about how easy a twin pregnancy is. Lesson learned. It really feels like the day I hit 33 weeks, it all hit the fan. For example, one night last week I woke up with a butt cheek ON. FIRE! No joke. It soon spread down the length of my leg and decided to stay that way. My nurse said it was sciatica? What else? My fingers on both hands all of a sudden feel like they've been crushed by a semi. My nurse said it's caused by hormone shifts? I literally go the bathroom 8-9 times a night (and I can usually only sleep between 12-5.) If I lay on my left side, I start getting a splitting headache that goes away when I turn on to my right side. What? I didn't really have morning sickness in the first trimester but it's hitting me now every afternoon. Oh, yes, and the contractions. They only come once an hour but they make me seriously consider sawing my bottom half on. Did I tell you everything hit the fan or what? According to my last ultrasound, I'm carrying about 11 pounds of baby so it probably goes with the territory.
I am so, so, so excited to meet my little boys! Although, I would prefer to delay that meeting for another couple weeks so they have a little more time to cook. I would die of happiness if they could avoid the NICU. Cook, babies, cook! Plus, I start to have an anxiety attack sometimes when I think about being a mom. There is so much I don't know! The things I panic about are so random. Like, giving them baths, or attempting to breastfeed both babies when there is no one around to hand them to me. Seriously, how do I pick up two little babies at one time? Think about the logistics of that one!
We got these pictures at an ultrasound about a month ago. I love them. For some reason, they have gotten some strange reactions. This is the first picture we've ever seen of Baby A from the front. He's always the shy guy. I melt when I look at this. I actually have it hanging on the mini-fridge that sits beside our bed. Preston thinks he looks like his cheeks are eating his face off. I just think he looks well fed.

So excited!
I want to kiss them! I think pregnancy has to be so miserable so we will be extra overjoyed when we meet them. Every single time I have birthed a baby my thoughts have been 1) I love this baby so much 2)YESSSSS! I'm not pregnant anymore!!! No stressing about being a mom. You will love them both enough for them to have a happy life. Love you! Wish I could see you. :(
you still look sexy even in a t-shirt and pregnant. not fair!!!! you really do look beautiful and you don't have any roots at all!!!
I second Lyndsee's comment!! I'm so glad they have arrived safe and sound!!
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