This is what being 33 weeks pregnant with twins looks like. At least this is what it looks like on me. Hot. This is also what hospital bed rest looks like. Please note that I am wearing my husband's shirt, I had to wash my hair with hospital baby wash (NOT shampoo and conditioner,) and I was without deodorant. The epitome of sexy right here.
And in case you were also wondering if I'm passing the time at the hospital with delicious meals, the answer to that one is a big, fat N-O. Silly me made the mistake of mentioning that I had been diagnosed as borderline gestational diabetic (although it turns out I am definitely not,) and the caring hospital staff has decided to torture me with gestational diabetic diet from hell. This cute little sign accompanies every one of my meals. Funny. Very funny. Of course I totally ignore that and enlist people to smuggle me in a Coke Zero every day. Oh yes, remember the girl who wouldn't dream of having caffeine while pregnant? She died the day I got admitted to the hospital. Coke Zero is the only treat I get! Plus, my sister-in-law encouraged me to drink it and said the boys' brains are already developed. That's all the justification I need.

Seriously, this is an example of one of my snacks. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a slice and a half of turkey. Why even bother?? I have the same thing for dinner every night-a chicken breast the size of half your palm, green beans, and a small baked potato. Yum. I feel like I'm at fat camp.

So all that complaining aside (that was a lot of complaining, wasn't it?) I am so lucky to have good friends who have come to see me every day! It's really so fun. Although, I'm a little embarrassed because I feel perfectly fine. But I've had Cafe Rio snuck in (Thanks, Jenny!) and I certainly would never refuse that :) Preston threw his back out so he hasn't been able to come see me for the past couple days and it sure does make a difference to have friends come by and take good care of me. Lucky girl.
And in even better news, my doctor said I can go home on Wednesday as long as I'm not dilated and wait to go into labor at home. Yes! Although, it's not too bad in here. The nurses are so nice and it's kind of amazing being waited on hand and foot. I could get used to this. I just feel so unproductive. I have crafts I need to get done for the babies' room. Sheesh!
And in even better news, my doctor said I can go home on Wednesday as long as I'm not dilated and wait to go into labor at home. Yes! Although, it's not too bad in here. The nurses are so nice and it's kind of amazing being waited on hand and foot. I could get used to this. I just feel so unproductive. I have crafts I need to get done for the babies' room. Sheesh!
It was so fun to see you on Tuesday. Hope you are enjoying the magazines. Should have brought you a hidden snack too. ;-)
You look darling! I could only hope to look that good while in the hospital. I love your little boys and am so excited to meet them soon! I can already tell you I will be jealous that you will be done and I will have 3 months to go. We are going to be in baby heaven at our next girls dinner! :) Love you!
Oh man. Still laughing about this post. Love that you finally posted a pic and you absolutely look so great. I hate you that you look like you just got ready and you actually didn't. I love that we are addicts together. I think we need a treatment program. We'll just have to admit ourselves with our boys since they've been addicted since in-utero. Love you!
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