This is definitely my favorite age yet! (Although, I think I said the same thing last month and the month before that.) The boys are so alert and getting to be really social. They think we're pretty funny now and smile ALL the time. They are both so funny and expressive but they seem to be developing their own little personalities. They're kinda biggins, considering their corrected age, tipping the scales (ok, not really,) at 14 pounds. Davis still outweighs Dex by about 1/2 a pound and they have very different body types. Dex is a lot more narrow than Davis and looks like he might be a little longer. Davis has broader shoulders and his head is a bit bigger than his brother's. The boys have finally started sleeping through the night and we usually get about 8 hours. It's awesome! I could kiss the ground they walk on (if they actually walked.) I am more attached to them than ever and I didn't even think it was possible. I seriously feel like I'm going to explode when I think about them. I have to fight the urge to kiss and squeeze them every second of the day. They are the yummiest, happiest babies. I am obsessed.
At three months, Davis is pretty infatuated with his mama and I couldn't be happier about it! For a while, I wasn't sure he knew I existed but now I can make him smile just by looking at him. I could eat this kid up, he's so sweet. He laughs at everything and it's totally contagious. He loves to play what we call "the num-num game," (created by my mom!) which basically consists of us sticking out our tongues and saying, "num, num, num," over and over again. Davis imitates us by sticking his tongue out and smiling. So hilarious! Now if we just say the words "num num," he sticks his tongue out. Davis is still the happiest, most content baby. I don't know where he gets his laid-back, easy-going attitude from because it certainly didn't come from me or Preston! He knows what he wants though and he isn't afraid to let you know when you're not quite getting the message. He has the craziest squeal. When we were in Arizona last month, both of my sisters-in-law told me they've never heard anything like it! It really is so funny. He sounds like a squealing little pig. A really LOUD squealing little pig! Davis has also found his hands in the last week and loves to suck on them. We could hear him smacking on his hands on the baby monitor the other night so loud it sounded like he was hammering something! He likes to tuck his little thumb in between his pointer and middle fingers and if you try to undo them he works to get them back asap. Davis's other major talent is tooting. This kid toots and belches like an adult. I would be worried but he never seems to be in any discomfort. He just rips them left and right! He was with Pres in Elder's Quorum on Sunday and he said he was tooting so loud it was interrupting the lesson! My junior high sense of humor thought that was pretty funny. I can't even handle how much I love this boy.
Dexter has the most hilarious expressions! When he smiles, he raises one side of his mouth and crinkles his eyes. You can't see him do it and not laugh. He LOVES his daddy and he looks more like Preston every day. It's kind of eery. They really are little twinkies. It seems so crazy to think Dex was ever colicky because he's such a happy baby now. When he does get fussy, he sometimes just wants his mommy to love on him. I love that! He will even stretch his arm out to reach for me from across the room. It's pretty much my favorite thing ever. Dex is always trying to watch tv if it's on in the same room. A couple weeks ago, he would literally crane his neck to watch a Suns game. Every direction we faced him turned him into a little contortionist to see the game. Preston was so proud! Both of the boys still love fans and will find them in any room they're in. Dex has just started sticking his bottom lip out when he's sad and it is melts your heart. His lips are so big and juicy and it's the saddest/cutest thing you've ever seen when he pouts! Very effective. He gets his mama to do whatever he wants :) Dex is also super sensitive. A few times he's heard Davis crying and he immediately starts to cry. I think he thinks he's the big brother. He loves to have his chin tickled and will smile for you every single time. Both of the boys coo like crazy and Dex tries his best to have full-blown conversations with you. He has been holding his head up since he was about 4 weeks old (no exaggeration) and we finally got the boys Bumbos last week, which he loves. I sit him in the Bumbo on the kitchen counter while I make lunch and he watches me like a hawk. So funny. It looks so funny to see this tiny baby sitting up. I laugh every time I look at him! The poor baby is still spitting up like a mad man, usually at their 5 a.m. feeding. A couple times he has gotten Preston so bad he had to change his clothes and we had to change the sheets! I'm talking five ounces of projectile vomit. Poor guy. But he keeps smiling and doesn't even get upset. He's a champ! I am completely in love with my little boy.
Love that he watches the Suns game...following in Westins foot steps.
I think its time to break out the bath towel for feedings. Makes for way easier clean up!
I love these posts! Makes me feel like I know them even though I haven't been able to meet them yet. They sound like such fun boys! Love u guys!!
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