Sunday, January 8, 2012

A blessing and a name

The babies were blessed in Arizona on December 28th at Preston's mom's house. Since all of our family lives elsewhere, we decided to take the boys to Gilbert where most of our family and friends already were! It was so nice to have the blessing at home, surrounded by family and close friends. It really was one of my favorite experiences of all time. No exaggeration, it was second only to our sealing. I didn't expect to be so emotional but I cried through both of the blessings. Surprise, surprise. I can't even explain how surreal it was to see your own babies being blessed! And it was so cool to hear Preston talk about their futures and realize they won't always be these little babies on my shoulder, one day they'll go on missions, get married in the temple, and hold church callings. I can't even think about it. My mom and Preston's mom took notes through both of the blessings and just reading the notes makes me cry again!

Something that stuck out to me about Davis's blessing was that he has a kind heart. I think that was my favorite part. He really does. Even as a three-month old baby, I can tell how good his heart is. I just love that. I'm so happy to know that is something he'll carry through his whole life. That's just who he is. Dexter's blessing talked about his tough entrance into the world and that his strength is why he was there that night. That really overwhelmed me. I think I take for granted how rough he had it sometimes and because he's such a tough little guy, he made it through. He must have known his mama would need him. Both of the blessings talked about future siblings, which for people like us who had trouble having a family in the first place, seems crazy to imagine but I was so excited at the thought. (It took me all of about three days after the boys were born to daydream about being pregnant again!)

Just so the boys know, here's who was in your blessing circle: Preston (dad,) Larry Blankenship (grandpa,) Damon Rosenhan (uncle,) Branden Rosenhan (uncle,) Allyn Langford (uncle,) Steve Dahl (great uncle,) Glade Hakes (great uncle,) John Niemela (family friend and mom's favorite bishopric member of her old singles ward,) Joe Vega (family friend and husband of one of mom's best friends, Melissa,) and Bishop Call from Grandma Rosenhan's ward.

We were so overwhelmed with how many people came to show their love for our sweet boys. Preston's good friend, Nick, who lives in Chicago came with his mom, Uncle Steve and Aunt Paula delayed their Utah trip by a day, my parents drove to Arizona from California for the day, and Brother and Sister Niemela, my favorite members of my old singles ward bishopric even came! And we were so lucky Branden and Tiffany and the girls were in town too! We missed some people because of the timing of the holidays but we know they were with us in heart :)

Even three months later, I am still so in awe of these boys and I can't believe they're ours. I know children are special to every parent, but I think waiting, working, and praying as hard as we did to have them makes them that much more special to me. They are a literal, in the flesh, answer to so many prayers. There were definitely times I wondered if this day would come and then there were times I felt the Spirit so strong and I knew this day would come! We are just so blessed to have our little family. I feel almost embarrassed sometimes at how much we've been blessed when I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything to deserve it. (If you could see me in traffic you'd know I don't deserve this.) I really loved the night of their blessing so much. I asked Preston the next day if we could do it again. I am obsessed with my little boys and I am so grateful for my good, sweet husband.

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