When it rains it pours. My booty is on strict bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. Good times. By strict bed rest, I mean only allowed to get up to go to the restroom. And I'm only allowed to sit up in bed for 30 minutes at a time, no more than 5 times a day. Other than that, I have to be completely reclined. Grrr. Just fyi, that's at least 11 weeks of becoming one with my bed.
At the risk of divulging tmi, the length of my cervix decreased dramatically in the last couple weeks because of the weight of the twins causing pressure on it. If it decreases even a tenth of another centimeter, I have to complete my bed rest at the hospital. With a bed pan. No joke. I have a follow up appointment this coming Tuesday to see if the bed rest is helping it stabilize. If it has stabilized then I get to stay here in my bed with the comfort of my dvr. If not, I'm headed to the hospital on Tuesday. Scary stuff. It's way too early to be delivering any babies, that's for sure.
On top of this crazy issue, these little rascals have caused me to develop gestational diabetes in the last couple weeks. I was so devastated to find out this week. I felt like such a failure and like I did something to hurt my little guys. Let's just say, there were a lot of tears involved. The doctor assured me it's a side effect of multiples and not to blame myself. There's some hormone released called Human Placental something or other that caused the body to retain sugar in the blood, which is all well and good, unless you have two placentas in your belly releasing double the hormone. My body just doesn't know what to do with it all!
So I'm stuck in bed for at least the next 11 weeks (I hope I last that long anyway!) and I can't even eat anything yummy. Boo.
Preston has been such a gem. Poor guy has the weight of the world on his shoulders (did I mention we have done NOTHING to get the babies' room ready? Or strollers or car seats or cribs? Procrastination rears its ugly head.) He's stuck waiting on me hand and foot and running all the errands I need him to. He is being so sweet. Before he left for work yesterday, he set me up with all my meals for the day in a big cooler by our bed and even wrapped my silverware in a napkin! I sure hope I would be this good to him if the situation was reversed!
Today he grilled me a steak and made me a yummy salad for lunch. How cute is that? Then I sent him to the grocery store with a list a mile long. There is a place for him in Heaven, that's for sure.

So at the risk of sounding like a whiney baby, this bed rest thing (all whopping three days of it, so far!) is for the birds. My back kills from laying down for so long and I'm feeling a lot like Gilbert Grape's mom. If bed sores come, you may never hear from me again. Today, Preston turned on Castaway for me because he thought I could relate to Tom Hanks. Very funny. But all that being said, my dad asked me last night, knowing what I know now, would I still have transferred two embryos at the risk of having twins and my answer was, "Without a doubt." Anything is worth it for my coconuts. What a small price to pay to get two perfect little boys. My doctor told me she has never had a patient as determined as I am to keep these boogers safe (I think she probably meant obsessive) so she is sure they will be fine. I, on the other hand, am sick to death with worry!
Maybe all this extra time means I'll catch up on blogging...
Maybe all this extra time means I'll catch up on blogging...
Oh Hillary I can't believe you have stay lying down so much. Maybe Preston can tape something entertaining to your ceiling? ;-) Pretty sure you are going to need a prenatal massage for that back pretty soon. I bet someone you know knows someone who does in home ones so all you'd have to do it turn on your side. Of course you'd probably want to check with your dr. first. This is all going to be worth it in a few weeks!!
So I am not on bedrest, but I might as well be. For some reason, on the weekends I always get really sick. Already thrown up 10 times today. So what do I do to distract myself today?? Catch up on blogs. I am sitting here in tears reading all your posts. You are amazing. Your blog brings me to tears and talk about someone having a special place in Heaven?!? YOU, YOU, YOU. I feel so guilty when I read your blog. I don't mean that rude, but I think about my pregnancy trials, and how way you handle yours...and well, I feel like a loser. The pictures of the food you have to eat, makes me feel like a real loser. You are such a trooper. Seriously, already the best mother. I am so proud of you. Husbands really are the best. Preston just sounds like an angel. The good Lord knows that Chris is my angel. He cleaned the house top to bottom today and made me breakfast. I feel like I am so boring, sick, and moody all the time, but that crazy guy still loves me. Anyways, I love Jeff and Jordan too. They make every Sunday, Wed, and Thurs night awesome. Except for when Jeff got kicked off. I seriously balled for Jordan. I can't stand Kalia. Ugh. P.S. Your roots look great in your pics! No roots at all. Just pretty, shiny, blonde. :)
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