Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 months!

What a bad blogger I've been! Truly, not being able to blog probably says all you need to now about the boys at 10 months old! They are some busy, busy, BUSY little guys. They're both extremely mobile now (hooray!) and they're ALWAYS on the move. It's not easy chasing two (unstable) babies going different directions but it sure is fun. The boys are the absolute, best of friends now. They are so much more aware of each other and spend all day laughing at each other. There's a lot of wrestling that also takes place so obviously we've got some crying going on too! They're just so funny with each other. They keep me laughing all day. They love to grab each other's heads and knock each other over (Is this a boy thing?) and they love to steal each other's toys. If one has something, the other wants it! Every month I think it's my favorite age, but I really don't know if 10 months can be beat. Davis and Dexter have become my best buddies.  I honestly have so much fun hanging out with them. They're hilarious and full of spunk but so, so sweet. I am declaring here and now that they are never going to kindergarten and I'm going on their missions with them. They're never leaving my side.

At ten months, Davis learned to crawl!!! He started crawling a tiny bit at nine months but now he cruises all over the house. He is such a funny guy because he's strong as heck but he's pretty cautious until he works up the courage to finally try something. Once he gets it, though, he never looks back! My gentle giant has really gotten spunky this month! He pulls up on furniture and is starting to cruise along the couch and his crib. He figured out how to pull up to standing in his crib this month and we  had a couple (ok, several) nights of Davis pulling up to standing in his crib, laughing hysterically, and then deciding he was too scared to get down and yelling for us to come help him. Unfortunately (for us!), he'd just turn around and do it again! I started hiding in the boys' room, waiting for him to try it again so I could lay him back down but as soon as he saw me, he would just crack up. Such a funny boy! I've said this before but sometimes I think Davis and I are sharing an inside joke. Sometimes we'll just start laughing at each other and it gets funnier and funnier until I'm almost crying! Davis has become a little man-baby. He literally TOWERS over every baby his age (and older.) No one believes me when I tell them he's 10 months old. His brother is pretty darn tall too so I don't really notice how big either of them are until I see them around other kids but dang, they're big guys and we couldn't be happier! Davis has stopped caring much about his bottle. Now that he's got this crawling thing under control, he doesn't want to waste his time eating. (Whose kid is he?) He's started throwing his bottle or pushing my hands away after a couple ounces and then he's up and moving again. Davis looooves strawberries and watermelon, but bananas and yogurt are still his all-time favorites. When I'm giving them breakfast, if I'm too slow for him, he literally barks as me like a little sea lion. Come to think of it, he actually yells at us a lot. It is literally the funniest thing in the world. When Davis gets tired, everything and I mean everything makes him laugh. It's so contagious. And then just like that, he goes to crying. That's usually when I know he's ready for a nap. Davis's favorite things right now are the pool, his monkey, and Dex. I can not believe how much I love this little boy. My heart just bursts when I even think about him!

Dex is basically the 10-month-old super baby. There's nothing this kid can't do. I have to chase him all around the house and build forts to keep him off the stairs. (A baby gate would be better but we're moving in a few weeks so we're holding off.) There is nothing in the world that Dex loves more than stairs. He climbs to the top (only with me right behind him,) and then keeps right on going. He literally moves from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to sleep. He cruises on furniture and sure seems close to walking (but what do I know?) He tries standing for a few seconds and then he'll grab on to something to steady himself. He's a little daredevil and I think he might have a future career as a stuntman. Dex is my little comedian. He will do anything for a laugh. His new thing is wrinkling his nose and gritting his teeth. I always find him sitting in front of the mirror growling at himself and then laughing hysterically. HILARIOUS!! We met Preston for lunch at Chipotle yesterday and Dex was making a (cute) fool out of himself wrinkling his nose at some women sitting behind us with black beans all over his face. I couldn't stop laughing. Such a ham! They were dying over him! Dex loves his big brother. He also loves to tackle him. Yesterday, I found him wrapping his arms around Davis's waist and rolling on top of him. Of course, Davis was laughing the whole time! There are two things Dex hates in life and that is one, having his face wiped, and two, drinking his bottle. When he sees me coming with a wet paper towel after a meal, Dex hides his face and swats me away. He really can't be bothered to eat and we can only get him to finish a bottle by letting him stand up and drink it like a little calf. So funny. When he doesn't want to eat or drink a bottle, he slaps his hands together to tell me he's done. He says mama, dada, and day-day which I am guessing means Davis, but let's be honest, it could mean nothing at all. Dex is such a fun to be around kid. He found whipped cream in the fridge yesterday so I gave him a little squirt in his mouth and nothing has ever been so funny to him. He cracked up so of course I did it over and over. Great parenting, huh? Dex has turned into the sweetest, heart-melting little guy. For all of his sass, he's ten times sweeter and I couldn't love him any more.

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

Such cuties. I can't wait to see them in just a few weeks. I love all your details.... I don't know how you can write every detail down to perfection. You should write a book. Their smiles are amazing!