What kind of sorry excuse for a picture is this? They're not having it anymore. At all! I guess it's a pretty accurate depiction of 11 months though. Any time the boys are being restrained (i.e. on your lap, in a stroller, in a car seat in a shopping cart, etc.) is basically the purest form of torture for them. They are on the move and do not like to be stopped! And they'll make it very clear to you if you have any doubts! At 11 months, the boys are still bff's but the wrestling/body slamming/shoving is at an all-time high. Most of the time, they still laugh about it but occasionally there are (very) loud screams at each other. It makes for some pretty comical mornings around here. Davis and Dex are more like kids and less like babies every day. It excites me and breaks my heart at the same time. They're probably the easiest they've ever been because they totally entertain themselves and each other by pulling everything out of the cabinets and going up and down the step in our living room. They have reached a challenging phase in that they HATE being in a stroller so I have timed it and I have exactly seven minutes in any given store before they start to scream. So I am basically only able to go to Costco and Target where they have double shopping carts. Lucky for me, I like those places. They are off formula now and eating table food and having milk and water bottles. They both learned to drink out of a straw and they have mastered the sippy cup. They love Kashi waffles and strawberries still reign supreme. They also really like asparagus and mushrooms!
At 11 months, Davis is finally a true mama's boy. He follows me around the kitchen while I make dinner and hangs on my leg, wanting me to either hold his hands while he walks, or carry him. A few times this month, I have had to put him in the bjorn while I make dinner. He's 25 pounds so that's no easy task but you know I secretly love when he wants me to carry him around. He's a little love. He loves, loves, loves to walk but he can't do it by himself quite yet. He just likes me to hold his hand and let him walk laps around the house. Speaking of which, he's really starting to thin out. He weighed the same thing yesterday as he did at his 9 month appointment. Must be all the moving and shaking. (I should get on his program.) Davis still says "mama" all the time and his new trick is jumping on command. It's really cute. He had surgery for his clogged tear duct this past week and the opthamologist came out afterwards and told us he was charming all the nurses in the operating room and they fell in love with him. He really is a little charmer! Davis is terrified of vacuums and anything that rolls across the floor. It's hilarious and sad all at the same time. Davis has decided he now hates having his diaper changed and it has honestly become like wrestling a an alligator. He flips and flops and then crawls away with half his diaper on. The kid is so darn strong that I can't hold him down! When Davis is done with anything, food, bottles, sippy cup, whatever, he chucks it as far as he can. He seriously throws his bottle when he doesn't want it anymore and swats all of the food off his tray when he's full. I keep telling him he doesn't need to throw food when he's done, he can just stop eating it, but he's just not listening ;) Davis still loves Mickey with all his heart and will stop whatever he is doing and head towards the tv if he hears his voice. We love our Daveycakes so much!
I say this all the time, but it's still so true. Dex is the funniest person I know. He is the epitome of fun-loving. He is just the life of the party and EVERYTHING is funny to him. He is so playful and he's in a good mood about 90 percent of the time. Lately, Dex really only gets frustrated when he wants more to eat. Turns out, Dex is a foodie and can out eat all of us! Dex has really become my buddy in the last month. He thinks I'm really fun (or at least he pretends he does!) and loves to play games with me during the day. His favorite thing to do is make me chase him. He loves to catch my attention by giggling and then take off crawling as fast as he can. It seriously makes me laugh so hard! He loves to hide from me and he loves when I hide from him and jump out and yell, "Boo!" As much as he loves for me to chase him, he loves to let me catch him and tickle him even more. He's such a chatter box now and he pretty much spends all day laughing and talking. He also hates slowing down long enough to have his diaper or clothes changed but if I hand him some wipes (two for each hand,) he's happy as can be waving them in the air wildly. It's so funny to see. He does it in the bath tub too with their wash cloths. Dex always sleeps on his tummy with his little booty in the air. Dexter loooves attention. I think having twins is a little bit of a novelty so the boys have been showered with attention wherever we go for their whole lives (Something about two babies makes people want to talk to you, I guess.) so Dex is just accustomed to having strangers talk to him all the time. I have decided Costco is his favorite place because they boys get to sit in the cart and gets to interact with people. He does this funny thing where he wrinkles his nose at you to get you to smile and in Costco, I can literally watch him wrinkling his nose, looking around for someone to pay attention to him! He is SUCH a ham! Dex will do anything to get a laugh out of me. He really has just this little heart-melting personality. We're so lucky to have him in our family. We just love him!
I say this all the time, but it's still so true. Dex is the funniest person I know. He is the epitome of fun-loving. He is just the life of the party and EVERYTHING is funny to him. He is so playful and he's in a good mood about 90 percent of the time. Lately, Dex really only gets frustrated when he wants more to eat. Turns out, Dex is a foodie and can out eat all of us! Dex has really become my buddy in the last month. He thinks I'm really fun (or at least he pretends he does!) and loves to play games with me during the day. His favorite thing to do is make me chase him. He loves to catch my attention by giggling and then take off crawling as fast as he can. It seriously makes me laugh so hard! He loves to hide from me and he loves when I hide from him and jump out and yell, "Boo!" As much as he loves for me to chase him, he loves to let me catch him and tickle him even more. He's such a chatter box now and he pretty much spends all day laughing and talking. He also hates slowing down long enough to have his diaper or clothes changed but if I hand him some wipes (two for each hand,) he's happy as can be waving them in the air wildly. It's so funny to see. He does it in the bath tub too with their wash cloths. Dex always sleeps on his tummy with his little booty in the air. Dexter loooves attention. I think having twins is a little bit of a novelty so the boys have been showered with attention wherever we go for their whole lives (Something about two babies makes people want to talk to you, I guess.) so Dex is just accustomed to having strangers talk to him all the time. I have decided Costco is his favorite place because they boys get to sit in the cart and gets to interact with people. He does this funny thing where he wrinkles his nose at you to get you to smile and in Costco, I can literally watch him wrinkling his nose, looking around for someone to pay attention to him! He is SUCH a ham! Dex will do anything to get a laugh out of me. He really has just this little heart-melting personality. We're so lucky to have him in our family. We just love him!
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