Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mama's Gettin Old

Birthdays have always been really depressing to me. I have always wished the calendar would jump from May 19th to May 21st. Don't ask. I have issues. I think this is the first year that I've felt completely relaxed about my birthday. I might even be starting to like them!

 We didn't do anything major....Preston worked all weekend. But we squeezed in a Red Robin lunch with the boys on Saturday and Preston came home in between church meetings and work today long enough to eat some cake and open presents. So basically, I got to spend the day with my boys, take a nap, eat a red velvet bundt cake, and get spoiled by my sweet husband. Maybe this is why I like birthdays now! 

Me and Dex at the Robin. 

Preston and the Peanut Gallery. 

This picture kills me. I love how Davis is looking at Preston. 

After Red Robin, we swung by the models of our new house to take some measurements. We set up camp pretty much everywhere we go nowadays and I looked up and someone had just made himself right at home. 

Preston and the boys were so sweet to me today! They wrapped my presents so cute (!) and got me some serious goodies!!! 

Rose gold Sperrys to match....

My rose gold watch!!!!!!!! I'm so in love with this watch. It gives me heart palpitations. YUMMY.

And this is mama. Getting old. How the heck am I well into my thirties? 

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

I hope you look that good on my birthday! Hope you had a fabulous day... love your presents!!