The boys at four months old is officially the happiest time of my entire life. I can't even believe they're like real babies now with distinct personalities! It's crazy to see them change so much from week to week. You really can see them learning and discovering new things all the time. They are so chunky and delicious and they're a WHOLE lot easier to manage now! The best part about this milestone is that the boys are officially aware of one another now and they REALLY like each other! Preston and I sit the boys on our knees and face each other and as soon as they make eye contact, it's all smiles and giggles. The first time they really paid attention to each other, we were having a fro-yo at Pinkberry and Preston and I were literally crying we were laughing so hard. The next day, we tried it again and as the boys were staring at each other Dexter burped and Davis totally belly laughed! We died. Then Davis burped and Dexter laughed. Pretty soon, they were both laughing and Davis thought it was so funny he was throwing his head back laughing! Preston and I said it was truly the best ten minutes of our lives. We were so, so happy!
I'm beginning to realize that Davis's personality hasn't changed much since the day Preston put him in my arms. He is still so content and easy-going. He's just a good, special boy. He's super easily pleased and he melts your heart when he smiles at you. I know he's just a baby but the kid can make you feel like a million bucks. Davis gets so excited when we talk to him, he kicks his legs like he's an olympic swimmer. I've never seen anything like it. He literally propels himself off the changing table. Speaking of the changing table, he loves the mobile I made that hangs above the table so much that he squeals at it and kicks his legs so fast Preston says he's galloping like a horse. You can't see it and not laugh! He still sticks his tongue out when we stick our tongues out at him and since it always gets a reaction, he's now learned to do it to everyone he sees. We caught him doing it to a lady across the aisle at Stake Conference last week! He does it to his doctor, the checker at Costco, and even the dog! Davis flirts with everyone. I swear he's figured out he's cute and totally panders. He tilts his head down and smiles up at you with his gigantic blue eyes. Completely effective. Davis loves him jumparoo, even though he can't touch the floor quite yet. He just loves to sit in it and work at grabbing all the toys on it. I think his favorite thing to do, though, is to sit on my knee and push off on the floor with his feet. Davis is a pretty big boy now. He's bigger than most of our friends babies who are older than him. He's not really chubby though, just broad and really solid. People always tell me he's built like a football player. (Music to Preston's ears.) He likes to try to eat the bubbles in his bath and he's so strong, I seriously have to wrestle his hands away from his mouth. He grabs everything and tries to put it in his mouth and he LOVES his blankie that Christi made him. It's satin on one side and minky on the other and he holds it next to his cheek in his car seat. Is that sweet or what? The nurse weighed Davis when we went in for shots the other day and he weighed 16.8 pounds. We'll find out his length at his official four month appointment next week.
Dexter has made so many changes in the last four months. There's no word to describe him other than fun. He is hilarious. I've never seen a baby as chatty as he is. He truly tries to communicate and I'm pretty sure he assumes we understand him. He talks and talks and talks. When he cries, he repeats "mama mama mama," or "moooooooom" over and over. I know what you're thinking. Obviously he is not really speaking real words (he's four months old!) and he clearly doesn't connect those sounds to their meanings but I am not exaggerating when I say it sounds exactly like it. We literally stop in our tracks sometimes when we hear him. It's pretty uncanny. He also imitates sounds we make and he does it pretty well! Preston always says the word "Hi" to him in a sing-songy voice, and Dex will repeat it back to him over and over. It's insane. I'm quite certain he's a genius. Dex thinks it's so funny when I coo to him from across the room and he'll wrinkle his nose and smile. I can't believe he was ever colicky. He's such a happy, easy baby these days. He loves people, just like his brother, and he smiles at strangers too. He still loves his daddy but he's got a pretty soft spot for his mama now. He is such a sweet boy. When I pick him up, he always puts his left arm around me and I melt every time. He splashes like a wild man in the bath tub and he grabs everything. If there is a burp cloth anywhere near him he'll find it and press it against his cheek. He loves to bury his head into my shoulder and when he naps on his tummy (supervised, of course,) he always tries to go face first. Dex also loves his blankie Christi made him and I always find him trying to put it over his head. Come to think of it, he's always trying to put something over his head! When Dex got weighed at his appointment for shots the other day, he weighed 15.8 pounds. I'm anxious to find out his length too!
Dexter has made so many changes in the last four months. There's no word to describe him other than fun. He is hilarious. I've never seen a baby as chatty as he is. He truly tries to communicate and I'm pretty sure he assumes we understand him. He talks and talks and talks. When he cries, he repeats "mama mama mama," or "moooooooom" over and over. I know what you're thinking. Obviously he is not really speaking real words (he's four months old!) and he clearly doesn't connect those sounds to their meanings but I am not exaggerating when I say it sounds exactly like it. We literally stop in our tracks sometimes when we hear him. It's pretty uncanny. He also imitates sounds we make and he does it pretty well! Preston always says the word "Hi" to him in a sing-songy voice, and Dex will repeat it back to him over and over. It's insane. I'm quite certain he's a genius. Dex thinks it's so funny when I coo to him from across the room and he'll wrinkle his nose and smile. I can't believe he was ever colicky. He's such a happy, easy baby these days. He loves people, just like his brother, and he smiles at strangers too. He still loves his daddy but he's got a pretty soft spot for his mama now. He is such a sweet boy. When I pick him up, he always puts his left arm around me and I melt every time. He splashes like a wild man in the bath tub and he grabs everything. If there is a burp cloth anywhere near him he'll find it and press it against his cheek. He loves to bury his head into my shoulder and when he naps on his tummy (supervised, of course,) he always tries to go face first. Dex also loves his blankie Christi made him and I always find him trying to put it over his head. Come to think of it, he's always trying to put something over his head! When Dex got weighed at his appointment for shots the other day, he weighed 15.8 pounds. I'm anxious to find out his length too!
That was so fun to read! I knew you'd be a natural! I am just so thrilled for your cute family. What a blessing!!!
I loved reading all the deets on the boys. They are so stinkin' cute and growing up so much. I love them and can't wait to see them in April. I need to run those dates by you again. Um, I need to know them first. I'll call. Anyhow- the boys are darling and I love the new header! She did such a good job, I love everything about it. Now I'm itching to get mine redone. Tell everyone hi!
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