Quick fact: I have taken over 1,200 pictures of the boys just on my Iphone. Honestly, I looked it up. Mainly because my phone only has 1 gig of memory left and it's acting like it's going to spontaneously combust at any moment because it's so full. I accomplished that in just 17 weeks, people. What is crazier than that, you ask? That number doesn't even touch the number of pics I have taken with my real camera in the last 17 weeks. Are you ready for this? 4,100. Obviously, I have some major blog catch-up to do. I'm thinking I should just scrap what I've missed and start fresh. So here are some pictures from the month of January.
Caught these two napping the afternoon away.
Poor Davis is still the victim of his mom's antics with the bubbles. And there he goes with the tongue again!
These two have a serious love affair.
See? Dexter is in love with Preston. And apparently, he also needed his diaper changed. Nice.
One morning, Preston watched the boys so I could get ready. (I think I only blow dry my hair on weekends now,) and this is how I found the boys. On the couch, watching the game. He's getting them started early. The funny thing? They were completely content.
Davis has started rubbing his eyes when he's tired. Be still my heart.
We got these football jerseys at Old Navy when I was pregnant. To be honest, we couldn't care less about these teams but they were cute and on sale for $2. Imagine our surprise that these ended up being the two teams playing in the Super Bowl next week! I should probably play the lottery. I'm obviously psychic.
We really tried for some self-portraits. Not so easy when you're home by yourself and using a gigantic camera! It doesn't get more awkward than these pictures of me but I'm trying to get over myself and my post-partum body-loathing and take some pictures before the boys think they were raised by a single father.
A tired Preston on double duty.
The boys tried out their jumparoo last week and they love it. They can't even touch the floor, but they love it. It's so cute to watch them concentrate and work so hard to reach certain toys. Yes, the jumpers are ginormous and beyond hideous but it's about survival around here, folks. Plus, they really do have so much fun in them. Again, I'm trying to get over myself.
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