Friday, January 13, 2012


Ay Ay Ay. It's always something else, isn't it? Little Davis is developing a funky shaped head which the doctors think is a result of his little corner of the womb. Apparently, Dex was taking his half out of the middle.

We took the boys to a cranial specialist today for evaluations and it was decided Davis has a mild case but could probably benefit from a helmet for about 6 weeks. Yay. But we know he could be plagued with something much worse than a flat spot on the back of his head and we're grateful that's our biggest problem. We're waiting to hear what insurance sad about coverage because the suckers are mega expensive. In the meantime, we're enjoying these sweet mugshots they took of the boys today. How strange am I that I think these pics taken to evaluate their head shapes are so cute? Seriously though. Un biased but really cute.

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

Call me! I have been through this :). Look into hanger prosthetics. We went through them and insurance covered it 100%. maybe there is one in Cali??