Monday, December 12, 2011

Two months

Time, please stop! This is already going way too fast. These boys are growing up right before my eyes and I still can not believe it. How did this happen that they weigh 11 chunky pounds and their chubby little thighs have gotten cellulite on them? When we brought them home from the hospital they were truly swimming in preemie outfits and now they (well, ok, Davis) are busting out of 3 month clothes. What happened to my little babies that fit between my wrist and my elbow?

Davis seems so grown up this month. He is such a content, happy baby. Mellow yellow. He has the funniest cry that sounds more like talking (or yelling) than crying. I think he's probably going to be a great communicator because his cries really seem like they have a purpose. When he cries, he is seriously trying to tell you something and he's pretty patient when his bumbling mother can't figure out what it is. I always say, "Thank goodness for Davis." He is patient and sweet which really comes in handy when you're dealing with two infants. Sometimes I worry that he's getting the short end of the stick because his brother is a little more high maintenance (we'll get to that later,) and Davis is always willing to cut me some slack while he waits to eat or waits to cuddle. I love this boy. He loves to play in his play gym and he'll yell and swat at his toys. It's so funny to watch. He even kicks his legs to the beat of the music. So funny. He gave me my first smile of the two boys last month and I cried. What is it about your baby smiling that sends you over the edge? He thinks his dad is hilarious and he'll smile when he just hears his voice in the room. Davis is super chunky now. He is in the 66th percentile for weight and that's NOT adjusted for being 5 weeks premature. I'm so proud. He also has a pretty big noggin (97th percentile, baby) which Preston likes to tell people absorbed the third baby that was supposed to be in my uterus. Nice. He's laying on the floor next to me right now playing with his toys and it takes all I have not to kiss him every minute of the day. He is a special, special boy.

Dex started out the month a little on the grumpy side (colic sort of reared its ugly head around here,) but it has finally left the building and now he is the sweetest, delicious little guy. Dex loves to cuddle. His happy place is laying on our chests and that's where you can find him most mornings between 6 and 7 when he decides he's done with that whole sleeping in a crib thing and much prefers sleeping on mom or dad. He's half a pound smaller than Davis but it looks like a lot more. He can completely hold his head up on his own and it looks so crazy on such a little baby! He always wants to be where the action is and will fuss until we hold him upright so he can see what's going on. He really is the life of the party! When he was so colicky, I thought he would never smile but when he did smile for the first time it was HUGE and well worth the wait. We died laughing. In fact, last night, he gave my mom great big, open mouth smiles that had me and Preston peeing in our pants which only egged him on. Turkey boy. Speaking of Preston, Dex is totally infatuated with him. He follows Preston around the room with his eyes and he will completely turn his head to watch him walk out the door when he leaves for work. A couple times I have thought Dex was smiling at me until I realize he heard Preston start talking and he was reacting to that! I'm going to have to do some major spoiling (which I am prepared to do!) to become his favorite. I love my sweet boy.