One month. I can't believe it. I can't even remember what life was like before my little babies entered the picture. Words can not express how much we love them. I feel like a different person. I didn't even know I was capable of loving these little people so much. I tell Preston all the time that I can't even look at them sometimes, I just want to take a bite out of them. They are the perfect addition to our family and so worth the wait.
Davis is my smushy, chubby-cheeked babe. His pediatrician calls him robust. I call him my little lamb because he baaa's like a lamb all the time. It is so cute, you would die. Davis is such a sweet, laid-back little guy. He is the epitome of easy-going. He really is such a peaceful baby. Davis is so alert and always watching everything going on with his big blue eyes. He would rather look around than sleep any day and he loves to be held. When he fusses, it's usually just because he wants some lovin. The other day he made me carry him around the house while I cleaned for three hours. Picture the cutest babe you've ever seen in one hand and Windex in the other. It would be frustrating if it wasn't so sweet. He is such a good boy and makes life so easy for me. He is so calm (most of the time!) but when he screams, he hits a note you would not believe human beings can reach. He also likes to pull his legs up to his chest when we change him so he looks like a Thanksgiving turkey. Both of the boys look like Preston, but Davis looks the most like me of the two of them. He has the Blankenship chin and he definitely has my round cheeks. His hair looked pretty blonde in the hospital, in fact, all of the nurses commented on how light his hair was, but it seems to be darkening a little. He might end up looking like his mama after all. I love this little guy so much. I can't even walk by him without stopping to smooch his cheeks off.
Dexter's first month was pretty rough for him. With an eight-day stay in the NICU and an ugly case of acid reflux that sent his little butt back to the hospital, his entrance into the world was hard on him. I kept asking Preston why everything bad happens to Dex and he says it's because he's the strongest of the four of us. Leaving him in the hospital was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. Heartbreaking doesn't even begin to describe seeing his tiny body attached to iv's and monitors and having to leave him there all alone. Remembering those days makes me cry right now. But he's such a trooper and the light of our lives (along with his brother!) He is so funny and there is something about him that is so innocent and sweet. You just feel like you have to protect him. He loves to pull my hair and he's a ferocious eater! He gets so excited to eat, he literally snorts! It is the funniest thing you'll ever see. He cranes his neck like a little salamander and roots around for some grub. Preston's impression of him is priceless. We have laughed during middle of the night feedings till we cry. This kid just brightens your day, I tell you. He is still a skinny little thing with giant, yummy lips I love to kiss. Seriously, people have stopped me in stores to tell me how juicy his lips are. Lucky boy. Dex is just such a sweetheart.
I love my boys.
1 comment:
I love the onesie idea! It's such a great memory... kind of wish I would have done it.
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