Happy day. The last 24 hours have been FILLED with miracles! Seriously. Would you like to hear about them?
I went to the perinatologist again yesterday. It was literally what I had been looking forward to for five days- a chance to leave the house AND a chance to see the babies? Sign me up. As excited as I was, I was super nervous I would be heading to the hospital right after. Remember, they told me if my cervix had shortened even one more millimeter, it was curtains for me. I was so worried that I truly had my friend come over and do my roots (priorities, peeps!) and I made sure to shave and paint my nails the night before. (You can never be too prepared.) I had visions of being a hairy monster with ghetto roots for months on end in the hospital. Not to mention, I had visions of delivering at 28 weeks and all sorts of scary scenarios.
Now, listen up. Here comes the miracle of all miracles! As soon as the ultrasound began, the tech measured my cervix and that bad boy went from a 2.3 to a 3.6!!!!!!!!! Come again? That is nearly unheard of!! The doctors had warned me that, best case, we would be able to get it to stabilize on bed rest, but there was virtually no chance of it lengthening. They just don't do that. Well, mine did! I have never been so happy in all my life. I wanted to kiss the ultrasound tech. Really though, how crazy is that?? I would like to say that this miracle was a result of my unwavering faith but if we're being honest, I think my faith had been exhausted at this point. I told Preston, "I don't think I have any faith left but I keep praying anyway." I was so worried and I really think I was becoming depressed. I just didn't feel like myself and I was becoming so overwhelmed. I don't handle crisis well! Thanks goodness for prayer and blessings. And probably the faith of everyone BUT me! Heavenly Father is the best!
The ultrasound continued and the babies looked great! We got the cutest pics of them and they were measuring great! Even Baby A who has the marginal cord insertion was growing perfectly and measuring two weeks ahead. He's a big boy. We met with the doctor after and I loved him. So much. Maybe I just love anyone who delivers good news. He lifted my strict bed rest and allowed me to move to modified bed rest! Do you know what this means? I'm allowed to sit up! I'm allowed to make my own food! (No more eating hard-boiled eggs out of a cooler!) No more solitary confinement in our room! He even told me I'm allowed to run to the grocery store if I need to as long as I don't stand for more than 30 minutes. I really wanted to kiss this man!
Remember how I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Well, it turns out I don't really have it! Ok, well only a little bit. To be officially diagnosed, you have to have at least 2 high readings at the 2-hour glucose test and I only had 1. And the one I had was only slightly high. So I still have to follow a GD diet (which sucks in the most major way,) and prick my finger four times a day to check my blood sugar but my numbers are always low so the babies are safe and sound. That's what's important.
Want to see our sweet babies? I can't stop looking at them. I'm biased, I know, but I think they are the cutest things that have ever lived.
Baby A (Check out those lashes!)

Baby B. (This kid looks so much like Preston it blows my mind. Even the tech looked at it and said, "Whoah! That looks like Dad!"

And one last miracle that must be documented. Look what I found.

A Thrifty ice cream scoop?! This would be life-changing for Preston. He is so obsessed with Thrifty. I must be honest. There have been times our freezer contains at least five cartons. It's just not the same in a bowl though. There's something about the cylinder scoop. Must order one now.
Oh, I am so happy for you and your little family! Proof positive that miracles to happen.
I think I need one of those scoops too.
Yay for you and the babies! But more importantly, WHERE did you find that scoop? I grew up on Thrifty's ice cream and I NEED that!
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