This photo accurately depicts my feelings on my lame-o "condition." (And my un-blown dry hair and the fact that I have resorted to wearing my husband's t-shirts.)
Went to the doctor again today and the sucker shrunk again. He sent me to the hospital. Again. I was given steroids to develop the coconuts' lungs in case I go into labor and they monitored me for contractions. Bad news: I was contracting. Good news: Not often enough for them to keep me overnight. So I get to go back tomorrow for another round of steroids and another test for some hormone to see if I am in danger of delivering in the next two weeks.
I don't think these doctors realize that I will not let these babies out till October. No way, no how. I have already planned years of Fall themed birthday parties and there's no stopping me.
The doctor told me they are really just buying me some time at home and sooner rather than later I will be taking up residence at Hoag till these little boys are born. It will probably be next week sometime (not that they're born...just when I'll be admitted for the long haul!) I'm really ok with that. Then I know they will always be safe. My only complaint is the lack of HGTV on their televisions. My life revolves around House Hunters. What's a girl to do?
can i just say what a trooper you are being?!! those boys are lucky to have you! I am sure when they are three and painting their pudding all over your house you will remind them of what they did to you in the womb. :)
Oh Hillary I'm so sorry. You are such a good mommy already. So when can Abby and I come visit, bring you some lunch and entertain you? :-)
Couple things. You are adorable. Your blog is adorable. Your babies are adorable. I wish my hair looked half that adorable WHEN it IS blown dried.
Hang in there! You are amazing!
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