My current lady of leisure routine is getting pretty old. In good news, I have passed the five week mark of bed rest! Amen! In better news, my perinatologist told me if I can make it 4 more weeks without any significant changes, he'll release me from house arrest for the last couple weeks of pregnancy. Oh, the things I could accomplish leaving my bed!
In the meantime, I've found a couple (completely unproductive) things to pass my time.
1. Oh, Pinterest. I am so obsessed with you. Seriously, I think I might love it more than Facebook. Coming from me, that's a lot of love. It is becoming the love of my life. The app for the iPhone is even better. So, I think you should add me on Pinterest. Not because you will be remotely interested in anything I pin, but so I can follow you! It's sad how excited I get to see new pins.

While we're on the topic of Pinterest, my good friend, Alisa, started a really cool blog called The Pinmakers the where she and her sister try recipes and DIY's from Pinterest and give their honest critiques. I also get excited when they post.
2. Words with Friends. Holy moly, I am so bad at this dumb game. Why do I love it? I still don't know. How did I avoid it for so long anyway? Preston and I started playing each other one day in the hospital and the rest is history. My friends LOVE playing me because they spank me every time. I truly don't think I have ever won a game. Although, one time I was ahead of Preston for about three minutes. Here's proof.

3. Big Brother. This is nothing new. I look forward to summer just because Big Brother is on. And it's one of the few shows that Preston and I both like. We love Jeff and Jordan. We seriously discuss Big Brother like we're in the pentagon. Kinda sad, but we love it. I have taken it a step farther though. Let's just say, I might watch three hours of Big Brother After Dark every day. Would you like to know what it consists of? Basically people sleeping. And eating. And occasionally yelling at each other. Good stuff. In my defense, I usually just have it on in the background as I fanatically watch stroller reviews on YouTube.

4. Baby Gizmo. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have watched every single stroller review. More than once. I am the most indecisive person of all time. One day it's the City Select and the next day it's the Bob Revolution. Maybe I'll never decide and just carry the boys around with me for the rest of my life. It's looking that way. I'm sure I'll still watch the videos though. That Hollie Schultz is my hero. Have you ever seen anyone manhandle a stroller the way she does? Impressive.

If anyone has any suggestions of things that might occupy my time, send them my way. Just remember, they must be totally unproductive and brain mushing. That's the only criteria.
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