I love Costco. They never let me down.
I had a slightly crappy day which included all of the following:
1. Being hit with a frisbee by an evil 6-year old boy who then proceeded to run away from me TWICE (cue picture in your mind of giant pregnant girl chasing said brat across the school,) only to be told when I finally caught the little booger that "I suck."
2. Falling down in the parking lot.
3. Discovering my giant comfy ASU sweatshirt is now a tad snug
But then a little Costco miracle happened. I met Preston after work at Cafe Rio (day was looking up already,) and he had a surprise for me. My parents sent me a little birthday check last month so I could get the Nikon D3100 that I have coveted for the last year. When my birthday came though, the price at Costco shot up $200 so we resigned ourselves to waiting for a better deal. All of a sudden this past weekend, the price went down again and a $150 instant rebate was offered! Preston went to 8 zillion Costcos today looking for the camera but apparently everyone else caught wind of this deal and they were sold out everywhere. He finally found a Costco in Cypress that had two left and booked it over there to get one. When he met me at Cafe Rio, he had it waiting in the backseat and I almost peed my pants I was so excited!
We got home, ceremoniously unpacked everything to find waiting inside the box was not the 3100 but the new 5100!! We were dying and Preston resisted my evil insistence that it was their mistake and we should just consider it a gift (I'm not proud of myself,) and called Costco. Ya know what those little angels said? "Keep it!" WHAT?! And they even ammended our receipt to show the 5100. I would just like to say that is a difference of about 300 dollars. Hallelujah!

Here's my new baby. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the instructional video and try to figure out how the heck to work this thing.
Seriously so jealous but what an awesome end to a crapy day!
My mom always used to say honesty was the best policy. I bet you are happy you did the right thing by calling Costco. Have fun figuring out your new camera and don't chase naughty boys at school!
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