Today marks my 20th week of pregnancy! I'm half-way there. Well, more than half-way if you consider the fact that we're having twins. My doctor said, and I QUOTE, "I'll be happy if I can get you to 36 weeks." Come again? She is obviously overlooking my child-bearing hips. These hips were born to birth! Preston decided they can't come until 11/11/11 because he thinks that would be a cool birthday to have. I explained that would make me 42 weeks pregnant with twins and that wouldn't be good for any of us...especially him!
This pregnancy has been super easy so far. People are always asking me how I'm feeling and the answer is always the same, "Good!" My belly is stating to run into my lap when I am sitting down and bend over to pick something up though, which is funny/horrifying all at the same time. My OB is the bomb. She's my fertility doctor's bff and I think they might be the same person. I love her too. She is teeny tiny, blond, super bubbly and reeeeally hard to get into so my Dr. Moayeri texted her for me (cause they're bff's like that!) and her office called me the next day to set up an appointment. We have been so, so, so blessed with the best doctors I've ever experienced.
Preston surprised me with a birthday trip to San Francisco over Memorial Day weekend and it was such a blast. Isn't he thoughtful? We took our time driving up the coast, which was beautiful, and ate dinner in San Luis Obispo, which I decided is where we must live some day. In San Fran, we stayed at the J.W. Marriott in Union Square and we thought we were big time. It was awesome! My favorite part was the big fluffy white robes hanging in the closet. That's luxury! We did all the touristy stuff like Fisherman's Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Painted Ladies. I loved it. I even hung off the side of a cable car pregant! I'm sure i was a sight to see.
The most exciting thing to happen in San Francisco was laying on the bed our first night there and feeling the babies move for the first time! Holy weird!! Preston was in the bathroom at the time (TMI?) so I started texting him from the bedroom, "I felt the babies!!!" I thought I was going to pass out! I am so in love with them. Now I feel them all. the. time. I'm pretty sure they're breakdancing in there...or they're already wrestling each other They are some active boys! I know you're not supposed to be able to feel them from the outside for several more weeks but the other morning one of them was especially active and it felt closer to the surface than usual so I put my hand on my belly and felt a thump! I like to think it was a high-five :)
After a couple days in the city, we went to Shan and Cam's and spent a couple days with them, Weston, and new baby Holden. I know I say this all the time but Preston and I are truly strategizing to get their butts to Southern California. We love them so much. It was good for us to hang with Holden, like a mini-baby boot camp! I was missing holding him all week after we got home! Weston was such a good boy too. He has such a cute little personality. See why we need them to move here? We kept laughing about how funny it will be when we get together with our four boys. Complete chaos will ensue!
I had another ultrasound when we got home from Northern California (it was my first in 5 weeks!!) and the babies were happy as ever. I get to have an ultrasound every 2 weeks now. What a relief for this overly paranoid, slightly psychotic mama to be. We have our big anatomy scan on Tuesday which I am so excited for even though we already found out what we're having. An hour with my little guys? I'll take it!

(These are from our 17 week ultrasound that I never posted.)
Can I tell you about the ultimate prank I played on Preston? I'm so proud of myself. On the day of my last ultrasound, Preston was going through a crazy week-long tactical training in the desert so I was on my own. This was just a quick 5-minute ultrasound to check the length of my cervix so I didn't think anything of it. The tech let me take a quick peek at the babies and she verified again, without any shadow of a doubt, that they're both boys. There was no mistaking that one! As she left the room and I got dressed, I spotted the jars full of pink or blue bracelets. I thought how funny it would have been if they would have made a mistake and realized one of the babies was actually a girl that day. And then a light bulb went off! I quickly grabbed two bracelets and laughed all the way to the car. I must have looked insane laughing to myself. Here's where it gets a little mean...I knew Preston was probably hanging off the side of a building or something at the time and wouldn't be able to return my text, so I took this picture with a captions that said, "I hope you still like ___________ and ___________ as girl names!" (I can't tell you the names yet!) I seriously laughed every time I thought about him reading that text.

I knew they would break for lunch at 12 and sure enough at 11:55 my phone starts ringing. When I answered, he only said, "THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING." The sad thing is, he was in the desert where reception was really crappy so the call kept dropping before I could tell him I was kidding! In retrospect, this probably was really, really mean to do to him. If you only knew how much he has always wanted sons.....he was so sad! Afterwards, he said he felt like he needed to repent for his reaction! He said he would have loved a daughter but the thought kept entering his head, "We need to triple what we're putting in savings right now!"
I have followed your blog for a couples of years now and have been waiting for weeks for you to post a new blog entry about how your pregnancy is progressing! My patience was finally rewarded today with some news! I am an identical twin much older than you and when my mother was expecting us (pre-ultrasounds in 1957), our dad showed off an x-ray of us to his fellow lawyer pals on Central Avenue in downtown Phoenix. My mom was horrified and compared it to showing a nude photo of her to his friends. Good luck from Alice and Candice, twins in Phoenix, AZ.
congrats! glad that you are feeling great! i bet you are looking so cute prego.
Oh my gosh that is SO funny! Love the update and I'm glad you are feeling so well. I always that it was funny that after I got pregnant people always asked me how I felt and not how I was. They asked me so much that after a while I felt like maybe I wasn't normal and I should start making stuff up. Ha!
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