We had our first OB visit today and wouldn't ya know, those babies sure weren't feeling bashful. We have two yummy baby boys on the way!
I have to say, I knew it all along! I am beginning to think I might have supernatural powers. We are SO excited! Preston especially. I actually think he willed this to happen. He wouldn't hear of any other possibility than two little boys. He's getting his starting line up ready. I'm so glad we're having two boys. I hope they're best buddies. I'm just so happy they'll always have each other and I love, love, love little boys. Plus, I was a little stressed about having to make bows and headbands. I'm enough maintenance as it is, without adding a little girl to the mix!
So since we've had an ultrasound every week for the last 8 weeks, I've definitely seen some personalities emerging. And I'm not the only one! Week after week, I watch Baby B and laugh at what a nut he is. This kid is all over the place. Last week, he was jumping off the wall of my uterus like a little trampoline and today he looked like he was either boxing or practicing to become a ninja. The ultrasound tech even described him as a "wild" baby! Uh oh. This baby is going to work me over when I can start to feel them moving. Baby A is usually so much more mellow. He curls up in a little ball and tucks his hands under his chin with his knees pulled up to his tummy. That's exactly how I sleep! I always sleep with my hands tucked under my chin! Our tech switched to a real time 4-d ultrasound mid-way through and it was completely fascinating. I couldn't believe we could see their little faces. Again, Baby B was going berserk and while we were looking at Baby A in real time, Baby B was literally kicking him in the head through the wall of the placenta. I've never laughed so hard! It was so fun to hear their heartbeats and get to spend 45 minutes watching them. I am in love.
Our husbands are evil... they both will their kids to be all boys :) Congrats, I'm just as excited as you are I think!!!
I'm so excited for you! You're going to be such an amazing mom!
Can't even deal. Love them!
Congrats!! Yea!!! We LOVE boys! xoxo
Congratulations! OH my goodness! Two boys!! You are so lucky! I wish I could clone my little boy,he is awesome. I am so happy for you guys! xoxo
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