Friday, January 28, 2011

You might be a creeper if...

I'm a little afraid I might be that creeper that tries to cuddle everyone else's kid.

But this is Lily and she's impossible not to cuddle. She's Nikki and Darren's and she and I had a heck of a good time last Saturday night! This chick can party. I've only ever wanted to have boys until Lily and now I just want a crazy little girlfriend to bounce around with.

And lest ye forget, this is Westin, my one true love. I was telling Preston how much I loved little Lily and her twin brother, Hank, and Preston got this very concerned look on his face and said, "But what about Westin?!"

See? We think he's ours. Cree-pers.

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

Don't forget about mine! You can creep on them...we don't mind! Holly loves you!