Saturday, December 4, 2010


So this was my attempt at the pom-pom wreath. I really am crafting-challenged. It looks ugh, the colors are gross, and it's gargantuan compared to our door...but it took over 12 hours to make so it's hanging up anyway. I will not be beaten by the wreath. So there.

The only upside to the wreath is that the 12 hours spent on those blasted pom-poms (they truly got yarn in every crevice of the house, along with my nose) were 12 hours spent with my mama, enjoying Turkey Day leftovers and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Parenthood marathons. You really can't beat that!

P.S. Don't mind the random dark green pom-poms. After multiple trips to the craft store through the ice and snow (seriously,) we ran out of yarn AGAIN and I can't stand the thought of making another freaking pom-pom this year. So we made do. I wish it was red and white. I might love it then. But then again...I'm so over it.

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

Ok. Woah. We need to have a talk about this wreath. More then anything... I love the commentary. But seriously, A for effort when making all those pom-poms.