Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Recap

Since I had a week off for Thanksgiving and Pres did not, I went to Seattle a few days before him. Remind me not to do that again. It was great being with my parents but I missed my hubby. We did a lot of facetiming. Bless you, Steve Jobs.

Seattle was FREEZING. Especially for this California girl. Leave it to us to visit on the coldest week in history, fraught with snow and ice storms! I haven't seen snow since I lived in Utah! This guy really enjoyed it though. Is he the cutest dog you've ever seen too?

Within 24 hours, my dad had me in these boots. (Remind me to buy some Wellies.) If you know my dad and his obsession with all things L.L. Bean then you will understand the humor in this picture. He bought me these boots my freshman year at BYU and this is the first time I have ever worn them. Ha! I was desperate.

When Preston got to Seattle, my parents took us to a fancy schmancy dinner at a fancy schmancy steak house called John Howie. I had chicken, of course, which made my whole family crazy. Anyway, John Howie is next to this establishment that causes angels to sing. That's my dad at the bottom. It was DELICIOUS. Thanks, mom and dad!

This is my kind of shopping center!

We went to Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house and this was our contribution, a bread cornucopia! Ok, well I was more the brains of the operation and my mom was the brawn. I pride myself on being an idea person.

And this is how I made my through the snow to dinner. I do not do winter.

This was Preston post-turkey dinner. Tryptophan is real, people.

This was me post-turkey dinner. A girl's gotta entertain herself while everyone else watches football and naps. I passed the time downloading cool, new apps. Again, bless you, Steve Jobs.

And this is me and my mom passing the time post-turkey dinner. Hey, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

After all that eating, we still found time and room to go to Molly Moon's ice cream. Thanks to Shannon for the recommendation! Just when I thought I couldn't eat another thing, I persevered. It was basically amazing.

Rawley became obsessed with Preston. They watched lots of scary shows together. I am slowly being replaced.

It was another great trip to Seattle. I went to the magical Bellevue Goodwill four times. That's correct, FOUR TIMES. And spent no less than 8 hours there over the course of the week. It really is that amazing. J.Crew, Jonathan Adler, Banana and Anthro. Enough said. I'm so glad my parents moved there!

We had a blast with my parents and missed them by the time we touched down in Orange County. See you again in two weeks, mom and dad! I love the holidays.

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

OMG, you went to that ice cream place. We must talk about this. And I'm literally jealous that you get to go to that Goodwill. I want to know what you bought {and broke}!