Today I went to Joann's. Since it's almost Halloween, the skanky girls were out in droves trying to find the sheerest fabric possible for their costumes. I kid you not, there were packs of them. Loud, obnoxious packs of them.
This one, standing in front of me, was particularly skanky. Preston and I like to send pictures to each other of creepers out in public so I got my phone out to take a picture of her. I tried to be subtle but little did I know, the camera was set to flash and that little iPhone flask packs a powerful punch! I swear, that flash lit up like the fourth of July! So embarrassing. Everyone in line knew exactly what I was doing and started giggling. I wanted to die.
The end.
All of a sudden, I'm really thankful for an old iPhone with no flash!
Bahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Busted!
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