Sunday, June 17, 2012

More of Jaimi's Wedding

When your best friend gets married you take a lot of pictures. Well, actually, your mom takes a lot of pictures while you try to keep one of your eight month olds who shall remain nameless from ruining the wedding with his super human screeching. (Dexterrrrrr!) 

We had such a great day at Jaimi's wedding. Everything was so beautiful (including the bride!) and we are SO happy to have her living close by! The boys were freakin troopers as we dragged them from one place to another for a couple days and they went without naps. They're such good boys but it was pretty dang exhausting for mom and dad to entertain them and fend off meltdowns. Dex is still enjoying his other-wordly screech when he's tired and it was basically the soundtrack of wedding weekend. I apologized about 10,000 times to poor Jaimi's parents! I've come to realize that our days are so structured and routine that the boys are beside themselves when things are a little out of whack. I guess I have some baby training to do! 

We love you, Jaimi and Brandon! So happy for you! 

Davis was super into Mara and kept trying to lift her skirt. Oh no. Ladies man. 

Poor Davis was so tired at the temple I thought he was going to pass out. 

I was so happy to see Joc and Tony! Now that our whole group is married, we're going to have to find reasons other than weddings to travel and see each other! 

We tried so hard to get a picture of all of our kids together. Wow. It was hilarious. We finally decided to step in and hold them but I think it made it worse. 

BYU roomies and still best buds. Spice World forever. 

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

Ahhhh.... you look so pretty! I love your dress and your hair looks perfect! Glad you guys had such a fun day and the boys look so dang cute. Love their ties and love their little shoes. Can't wait to see them!