Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Scenes from Arizona

We went to Arizona last week and if it hadn't been for all the fun we had with Grandma, cousins, and aunts and uncles, it would have been a complete disaster! The boys were literally insane. They woke up three to four times a night every single night we were there. This coming from the boys who sleep 13 uninterrupted hours every night at home. Preston and I were having newborn flashbacks and it cured any recent baby cravings I've been having. 

We learned Dexter is especially resistant to any changes in his schedule. To put it mildy, he was a wild man. I hate that all of our family didn't get to see a whole lot of the sweet, goofy Dex I hang out with every day. He's still so funny to me though. He was fascinated by a crib without bumpers that he slept in at Grandma's and we'd hear him in the middle of the night raking his hands across the spindles (sounded like a machine gun) and doing leg raises in the crib and then slamming them down on the mattress. I'm guessing he thought that was fun too! I could not stop laughing every time I heard him do it. It was especially funny every time we came in to check on him and he had an arm, a leg, or BOTH legs sticking out the side of the crib. He's going to give me a run for my money! 

Dex smiled at everyone all week by biting his lower lip and making this goofy face. Why is it so funny to me? Silly boy. 

Cousin Owen was so sweet with the boys. He always wanted to hold one of them! This picture melts me because Owen has always been our baby. It's so cute to see him with the boys! 

Mason is always loving on the boys and he's super helpful! He helps us feed them and everything! The boys are totally enamored with him. 

We love Aunt Shannon. She was making me laugh so hard because she kept telling me that Dex would stare at her for several minutes (uncomfortable eye contact) and then start crying. I think he was confused by another blonde. He warmed up though and cuddled right up to her! 

Isn't Mason such a doll? I love him. 

I'm so annoyed with myself for screwing this picture up. How cute are these two? 

This might be my favorite picture. Uncle Damon is so sweet to the boys and I swear he was one of the only ones who could make Dex laugh! 

Grandma Rosenhan was so nice to let us take over (and destroy!) her whole house! The boys were completely in love with her. She even watched them for us one night so we could go to dinner for my birthday. We came home to find Davis all cuddled up on her lap, fast asleep. That little stinker! The boys really took to her though. She would walk in the room and they'd start grinning. 

I know it seems like I have million more pictures of Dex from this trip (and I probably do!) This is because only one boy napped when he was supposed to this trip. I'll let you guess who that was :) The next few pictures crack me up. Dex was on a roll. This is an incredibly accurate depiction of what he was like this trip! Content, melting down, and then back to content. All in under two minutes. I love this boy. 

Why does this sweet boy look fifteen? Davis was such a trooper all week. He wasn't super thrilled with changes to his routine either but you wouldn't really know it. He's just the easiest going, happy little boy. 

This is Dex eating prunes. Bad idea. We paid for it for the next two days. Enough said. 


Bud & Kim said...

Haha! I love these boys. Oh and for the record I promise that traveling gets easier, the poop becomes more solid and they don't freak out about schedule changes as much. Just give it a few more months. Trust me I was so traumatized by a trip we took to CA when Abby was two weeks old (ok that was just insane to begin with. Who travels with a two week old?) that the next 4 weeks were a nightmare...literally. I told Bud I was done and we were never having any more kids. Now look at me...in three days I'm having number two. You are such a good, funny, cute mama and I can't wait to finally meet these handsome boys once things settle down around here. Hopefully we'll see you at Jaimi's reception but since it's two weeks after my c-section we'll see.

Shan and Cam said...

Oh yes, traveling with kids, what a treat. :) We wish we were there hanging with everyone. Made me feel bummed out when I looked at all of these pics. Love those cute boys and can't wait to see them soon! July!!