Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Mothers Day

What an emotional day. Who knew? I cried at least four times. And that was just during the first hour of church! If I'm being honest, the tears started last night just thinking about Mothers Day being today. I rocked Davis for probably 30 minutes after he had fallen asleep just because it felt so good to have his little head on my chest. 

I can't believe how much I love being a mother. I truly feel like a totally different person. As cliche as it sounds, I really feel like being a mom has helped me figure out who I am. It's a funny thing to feel so complete and fulfilled when some days you don't even leave the house and you're still in yesterday's makeup. I finally feel like what I'm doing is important, even if it's changing diapers or wiping peaches off of Dexter's nose. I even think being a mom has given me a sense of self esteem that I've never had before. Motherhood has really hit me over the head and finally made me realize that I have a higher purpose. (Finally, right?) It seems so silly to worry so much about my appearance or a even a comment from a friend, when after a nap, I walk into the boys' room and I'm greeted with huge grins and kicking legs cause they're so excited to see me. It's hard to possibly care any less what the outside world thinks when Davis wraps his little arm around me and holds onto my shirt. All that matters is my sweet baby boys and my good, sweet husband. 

Davis and Dex are such special, special boys and I am so overwhelmed with gratitude when I think about our little family. Just when I don't think I have any more room left in my heart to love them even one more ounce cause I feel like I'm going to burst, the next day comes and I've found I love every one of them even more than I did the day before. I'm just so lucky to be Dex's and Davis's mommy and I am SO lucky to have found such a good spouse in Preston. He's just such a good person and he really is my best buddy. How grateful I am to be sealed to these three guys! 

I also want to mention that as I've become a mother, I realize now, more than ever, what an incredible mom I have. When I think about my own mother, the one thing that has always stood out to me is just how much she loves me. My mom is my biggest cheerleader and there's never been any sliver of a doubt as to just how much she loves me. She would do (and does!) anything in the world for me and she really thinks the sun rises and sets on me! That, right there, is what I want for my boys more than anything, to just feel so, so loved by their mama. I just want them to know every second of the day that their mama is on their side and that my sun rises and sets on them. 

I am seriously on such a Mothers Day high I don't know how I'm going to make it through this every year.

1 comment:

The Brown Family said...

It's seriously the best, huh? I love seeing you as a mom! Your family is lucky to have you. Love you guys and glad you had such a special day!