Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It's so funny having twins. Like it or not, people talk to you about them every single time you leave the house. For someone as anti-social as me it's been a big adjustment! Friends think it's so funny when they go places with us because we're truly stopped every few minutes by (well-meaning, very nice!) strangers who want to see the boys and talk about twins. It's pretty fun! 

The strange part to me, though, is that everyone always wants to tell you how alike or not alike they think they look. I've heard it all. Is it just because they shared a womb? Even when I explain they're fraternal, and genetically just like any other siblings, people still feel the need to give me their assessment on the boys looks. My candid husband, got so bugged by a stranger going on and on about how different they look when we were out at lunch one day, that he blurted out, "TWO EGGS!" I'm not even kidding. I died. But honestly, it was pretty funny. I think the next time someone says something like this to me I'm going to ask to see their kids side by side. Ha. 

 Some people have seriously told me Davis and Dex don't even look related but I see so much of Davis in Dex and vice versa. Maybe it's because they are being raised in the exact same way in the exact same environment at the exact same time but I feel like they might have more of a connection to each other than single siblings. I always find them laying on each other or grabbing each other's hands and they even mimic each other's noises and mannerisms. And no one can make them laugh as much as each other! They love mommy and daddy but no one holds a candle to their brother. Twinkies. 


The Brown Family said...

I can only imagine how often you get stopped! They are so cute though I'm sure it's hard for people to resist! Last night out of the blue Hollly said to Jon and I "everytime we go somewhere everyone tells mom she has her hands full.". We died laughing!! I couldn't believe that she noticed. So funny! Love you and those cute boys!! Miss you!

Shan and Cam said...

I feel like these are some of the cutest pictures EVER!!!!