Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sitting Up!

Hooray! The boys are sitting up! We have an occasional topple here and there but they can totally do it all on their own. 

I have been so freaked out about milestones. I have to constantly remind myself that the boys weren't supposed to make their debut until November so their corrected age is not yet six months. Still, those dumb Baby Center emails and comparing notes with friends can be so stressful! Add to that the uniqueness of having two babies of the same age to compare to each other and you've got a real stress case on your hands! I get so upset with myself for comparing the boys to anyone else because they're such perfect little beings and I should be enjoying every single second of this time instead of worrying about every little development. So my new goal is to appreciate every little thing they do (instead of worrying) cause they're pretty darn amazing boys. I am so in awe of my little men. I wish everyone I know could be around Dex and Davis for 24 hours and fall in love with them the way I have. Truly, you would want to take a bite out of them. They are perfection!

I just love this picture of Davis and Preston. I'm so grateful for our little life. We always say to each other that we waited so long for this and it was worth every second. 

Can you see the little hairs poking out on the side of Davis's head? It's really filling in, huh? Ok, maybe that's a stretch but it definitely looks like it will be curly like his dad's. I keep telling Preston that Dex's hair (all three of them!) is looking really red but he is in complete denial. I, on the other hand, could not be more excited. I've always wanted a little red-headed boy. Preston's starting to face the truth though. Just today a stranger at Cafe Rio (of course) commented on how red our baby's hair is. Can you see the red haze around Dex's head in the picture below? Fingers crossed! 

1 comment:

Shan and Cam said...

Hooray!!! They're doing it!