Happy, happy, happy day! Everything about the wedding was perfect but nothing makes me happier than being married to Preston. July 25th was my favorite day ever and Preston is my perfect husband. Love, love, love him.
The photographer will send me the pictures next week but here are a few of my favorites I have sneakily stolen from other people :)

Coming out of the temple

My family at the temple

Preston's family

Me with my girlies

Me and my Emree.

Love this one because the photographer couldn't get us to stop kissing. Hey, it's been a long time coming!

My mom made the bridesmaids' little boleros! Can you believe it?! She's the perfect mom. She slaved away on these every night for weeks and even roped my aunts into helping finish them up! My mom was seriously AMAZING through the whole wedding. And I thought I appreciated her before! Not only does she love me, but she really, truly loves my friends. I'm so lucky!

Can anyone be cuter than Owen?

Check out all those cute girls.

Dancing with Dad. He's so cute. He kept threatening to twirl me!

I love me some Mason!

I love this one of Preston and his brothers. They're so close. And they could not be any nicer!

This one actually makes me laugh out loud. It looks like we're having this major send off and in actuality, Emree is the one throwing rose petals! Almost everyone had gone before me and Preston left. We closed it down!! We were having such a good time partying with our friends from out of town! So our big send off was Eva, Amanda, Jaimi, Karli, Sonia, Myriam, and my mom! I love our faces. This is so classic!!
I promise to post more pictures from the temple, luncheon, and reception soon. There are just so many pictures, it's totally overwhelming! I can't wait to see the photographer's pictures. She is awesome. I'm hoping for some serious airbrushing!
Airbrushing my butt. You looked beautiful (and Preston looked ok :)). Loved the wedding, it was fab. It should be in US magazine. Seriously.
your colors are stunning in these pics!
You were an absolutely beautiful bride Hilarry! STUNNING!!! I am still sooo mad that I didn't make it to AZ for the big event! It looked like an amazing day for you and Preston. Now that you are in California--let's hang out! Thanks for posting pictures! I am glad I was able to see you--via the internet!
CONGRATS!!! Do you remember Manon from 6th ward? She got married a week after you. It would have been fun to see you get married too! You look so good ;) I'm still working on the pics I took at Manon's wedding. s
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