The countdown has officially begun. Twelve days till the wedding (yes!) and after a week cruising through the Bahamas (Don't cry for me) I will become California's newest (and most jobless) resident. Crazy, huh?
I have lived in Arizona for eight years and the only place I have lived for longer is Miami, where I grew up, so I am definitely going to miss it. Don't get me wrong, I am more than excited to live in California. Did I mention our new place is two blocks from the beach? It's a six minute walk. We timed it. And I absolutely can NOT wait to be with Preston all of the time instead of just on weekends. Hallelujah! It's time to bid adieu to some of my favorite Phoenix things ....
Beginning with...

Oh how I love QT corn dogs and brownie bites! Trust me, the corn dogs are seriously underrated. I turned my nose up at them too until Belinski (the ultimate corn/hot dog connoisseur) forced me to try one. It's worth the $1.29. They are going to miss me at QT. I'm their best customer. Although it's usually just a Diet Dr. Pepper with vanilla, I promise!

I love Camelback. I wish I had been braver and tried it much earlier. It's the best Saturday activity. It's so hard but clambering over very large boulders sure is fun! I can't wait to visit in the fall for ASU games and hit Camelback in the morning. SO FUN!

How can one live without Cafe Rio pork salads? I'm about to find out. BUT, I read that Cafe Rio is opening in Lake Forest so help is on the way! If I can just hold out until October....

Eva told me the Last Chance in Miami is closing. Be grateful for this one, people. It's definitely a hole and I do usually end up in some kind of argument with one of the ghetto employees, but there are some serious deals to be had!

Ah, Oregano's pizookie. Does a more perfect dessert exist? Maybe Pinkberry. I would do anything for a Pinkberry. I've had such good times gossiping with, I mean hanging out with, my friends over pizookies. Oregano's has always been our place to reunite! Oregano's has been home to some seriously funny conversations.
Last, but certainly not least, I'll miss this place!

My perfect little school. (That's actually my friend Jessica in the picture. She is having a baby tomorrow night. Yay Jess!) Employment sure was nice! I really took it for granted.
With all the things that I'll miss in AZ, can I just tell you, the next 302 hours could not possible pass quick enough for me. I am so, so, so, so excited to marry this cute guy...

...and spend every Saturday on the beach, cruising around HB on a beach cruiser, and incorporating Pinkberry into my food pyramid. (Wasn't he such a cute kid?)
Um, your taste buds will never be the same without Cafe Rio. It was a sad sad day when I forgot what the pork tastes like.
this post kind of made me want to cry. i am so excited for you, but it just hit me that you really are moving. phoenix will miss you and chandler will certainly never be the same. you and jaimi certainly came up with the best ways to entertain yourselves and everyone else along the way. can't wait to hear the new HB adventures though! I am sure you and Preston will do us all proud! can't wait for the wedding and even moreso for the fun trips to cali to visit! Love you! couldn't be happier for you guys!
You've listed many of the things that I miss about AZ. QT being at the top!
But I can guarantee that you won't miss the hair-dryer-blowing heat OR all that brown.
Qt's profits may dip a bit:) Enjoy the lead up to your big day! And the last couple weeks of 110+ degrees. Tell Preston he still owes me for passing his Political Science class...I think it cost me about $15 to copy all of my notes for him :) Good Luck with all of the wedding stuff!!
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