Monday, April 27, 2009

You want a piece of me.

We went to Britney and we're not ashamed. Ok, maybe a little bit. But it was a seriously good show! And Lyndsee came all the way from New Mexico so we couldn't let her down :)

First stop, the Tuck Shop for dinner. Not super impressed. Too foo-foo for me. We left hungry and ended up at In-N-Out after the concert. You can take the girl out of Chandler but you can't take Chandler out of the girl.

Our seats were awesome. Thank you, Melissa. And as scandalous as Miss Britney is, you can't deny she is an incredible entertainer. I would die to move my hips like hers!

Don't be jealous, but I got this super sweet shirt at the concert. It reads, "You want a piece of me" in red glitter. Really, don't be jealous. I wore it to Catz the next morning. That's right, Saturday morning, post-concert Catz. I had to do something to offset the 1 a.m. burger, fries, and chocolate shake. And offset we did. We ran stadiums and lunged around the track more times than I care to remember. I think I probably got rid of at least half of my shake.

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